August Open winners

Osku Palermaa is the double champion of August Open tournament!
1 place - Osku Palermaa gets a bowling ball!
1st 300 game - Osku Palermaa gets 300€!!!

Other winners also deserve our attention & prizes:
2 place - David Waite gets TPC t-shirt
3 place - Ben Robinson gets 30€
4 place - Oleksandr Bohatyrov gets 20€
5 place - Volodymyr Horb gets 15€
6 place - Vitaliy Zadorozhniy 10€
7 place - syedhairilrushdi syedhashim 10€

Best female player – Monika Židziková gets €10
Lucky player - Hamizan Panjang gets €10! He was chosen by a randomizer.

Congratulations to everybody! See you in September Open