"Osku Challenge 3" winners
Gifts are here! Gifts from Santa Osku!
Good boys usually take the opportunity to win something in TenPinCam app)) So, they win!
Let’s see the winners of Osku Challenge 3!
1. Volodymyr Horb wins online training with Osku Palermaa
2. Andrius Pelakauskas gets TenPinCam T-shirt autographed by Osku Palermaa
3. Ivars Vinters gets TenPinCam set of bowling towels
4. Daniel Chapelle gets TPC subscription for 2 months
Congratulations, guys!
Thank you, Osku Palermaa!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas our friends!
We wiish you health, new victories & progress!
We are happy each time we see you in the app! You give us strength and faith in our application, your games inspires us to new developments and the most fantastic ideas we try to implement for you!
Thank you to be with us!

TPC Practice 4 results
TPC Practice - is a regular simple TPC tournament that can help you feel the app, can be used while warming up before other tournaments & even get prises!
The best player in “TPC Practice 4” is Lysandre Akwa!
The most active player - Gunita Vasilevska!
They both get TPC t-shirts! Congratulations!
Nevertheless, TPC Practice 5 has already started!

Aututmn TPC Platinum results
Congratulations to all the participants of Autumn TPC League! Now it is finished!
The Platinum FINAL was very exciting! That was a pretty intense struggle for the champion title!
Bravo Osku Palermaa! Bravo Ivars Vinters!
Congratulations to our double Platinum champion Osku Palermaa
The winners get their prizes:
1. Osku Palermaa - 250 eur
2. Ivars Vinters - 150 eur
3. Rihards Kovalenko - 50 eur
4. Veronika Hudjakova - TPC subscription for 3 months
‼️Attention players! TPC Winter League Starts December 1st!
The entrance is free! The prize fund is…
let it be intrigue)))

Crazy Pins 3 winners
Double HDC is very funny, did you like it?
Here are the results of that cool competition “Crazy Pins 3!”
1. Sergey Zinchenko TPC subscription for 3 months
2. Ruslan Maximenko TPC subscription for 2 months
3. Volodymyr Horb TPC subscription for 2 months
4. Oleksandr Bohatyrov TPC subscription for 1 month
5. Vladimir Sokur TPC subscription for 1 month
6. Kierron Deans TPC subscription for 1 mont
7. Normunds Rabkevičs TPC subscription for 1 month
Ruslan Maximenko is also the most active player, he played 19 matches!!! Ruslan gets TPC t-shirt!
Congratulations to everybody! That was fun!